Phylum:Oomycota >> Class: Oomycetes >>  Order: Saprolegniales 
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 Scientific Name: Achlya flagellata

Achlya flagellata Coker. Saprolegniaceae, 116. 1923.

 Description: Gemmae abundant; filiform, pyriform or irregular; terminal or intercalary single or catenulate. Zoosporangia abundant; filiform, 50-300 μ ; renewed sympodially. Oogonia abundant; lateral , spherical or pyriform, 35-95 μ in diameter, predominantly 50-60 μ. Oogonial wall pitted; smooth; oogonial stalk ?-6 times the diameter of the oogonium in length, generally 2 times; stout; usually branch, occasionally bent or curved. Antheridial branches diclinous, occasionally monoclinous. Oospheres not maturing. Oospores eccentric, spherical, or ellipsoidal not filling the oogonium; 1-13 in number generally 4-7; 15-23 μ in diameter, predominantly 18-21μ. Mature oospore not germination.

Collected many isolates from any place at many time. (Oct. 11, 1973.Yang-Ming Shan, garden soil)

 Habitat: Soil and water



Coker WC. 1923; Johnson TW Jr. 1956.


T. S. Chiou and H. S. Chang

 Note: One of our isolates is characterized by prevalently monoclinous antheridium, which still complies with the circumscription of Achlya flagellata according to Johnson’s opinion. Because this characteristic is considerably stable in successive subcultures, with this respect our isolate may be somewhat unique.