Food industry research and development institute (FIRDI) has executed microorganism preservations since July, 1982. This microorganism preservation missions were assigned to a unique center, Bioresource Collection and Research Center (BCRC), originally named as Culture Collection and Research Center (CCRC). Since 1982, 4 Director General of FIRDI, Dr. Paul C. Ma (1982-Dec, 1990), Dr. Tin-Yin Liu (Dec, 1990-Apr. 2009), Dr. Shu-kung Chen (Apr. 2009-Aug, 2014), and Dr. Chii-Cherng Liao (Aug, 2014-present), have been putting enormous efforts in the development of BCRC. Hence, with these efforts, the preservation and research abilities of BCRC has been recognized internationally, and its unlimited potential in all aspects, makes it always ready for the future challenges.
Since the establishment of BCRC, the center has been led by several pioneers in the field. BCRC had been led by Dr. Wen-Hwei Hsu (1982 to Mar, 1992), Dr. Chii-Cherng Liao, i.e. current Director General of FIRDI, (Mar, 1992 to Jun, 2002), Dr. Kuo-Fan Yuan (Jun, 2002 to Feb, 2019), Dr. Wen-Shen Chu (Feb, 2019 to Feb, 2021), to its current Director Dr. Sung-Yuan Hsieh (Feb, 2021 to present). These development of operations has allowed BCRC to be grown from a center with dozens researchers to currently more than 100 researchers in the past almost 4 decays.