Phylum:Oomycota >> Class: Oomycetes >>  Order: Olpidiopsidales 
 BCRC Number NO BCRC Number!  
 Scientific Name: Olpidiopsis fusiformis

Olpidiopsis fusiformis Cornu. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., v. 15: 147, pl. 4, figs. 1-4. 1872.

 Description: null

Parasitic in hyphae of Achlya sp. collected on hempseed from soil and water samples. (Oct. 10, 1974. Taipei; garden soil)

 Habitat: Soil and water



McLarty DA. 1941; Whiffen AJ. 1942.


T. S. Chiou and H. S. Chang

 Note: This species was recorded by Sawada (1912), but he was mistaken as two species existingin one host, and identified them as Pseudolpidium stellatum Sawada and Pseudolpidium fusiformis Cornu. Now we know that there are only one species with two kinds of sporangia: one is smooth on the sporangial wall, the other is spiny. And it has a dark color resting spore, spherical, with broad subulate spines.